This type of truth makes the most money
But it's damn hard to do unless you listen to your pal Jason Fladlien
She goes to freshen up. One waiter pulls her chair out and escorts her. Another waiter zooms in to put the chair back. A third brings a fresh napkin for her.
Almost in a blink of an eye.
We’re in Monaco. One year since our first date. Eating at Louis XV. A far cry from the small town in Iowa that I was born and raised in.
I’m 41 and my life has been a series of curves similar to roads we drove to get to the restaurant.
Many things in life still don’t make sense to me but one thing does - the truth, properly articulated, is one of the most persuasive elements known to man.
Take a client I have. She was afraid to sell on a webinar. Her voice would tremor when she went from the close. Her face turned white and sick.
I taught her to close like this:
What I’m about to do next scares me out of my mind. So if my voice cracks and my face turns white and I start to shake just know I am way out of my comfort zone. What I’m about to do is make you an offer and that freaks me out. Yet I’m going to do it anyway because what I have to offer you - if you’re the right person - is so important I’m willing to risk my personal discomfort to help you out of yours…
This is what authenticity looks like.
Use your insecurities and they can become advantages.
Another time I was training on a virtual mastermind and an attendee asked me if he could use his mentor’s testimonials to prove that the method he was selling to his coaching clients worked.
I asked him: “How many clients have you’ve worked with?”
Him: “I just started. Only 4.”
Me: “How many got a result?”
Him: “3.”
I gave him this close:
I’m just starting and I’ve only taken on 4 clients. Yet 75% of them, 3 out of 4, have gotten amazing results. Now I learned this from my mentor, who has gotten far better results than me… which is why - FOR NOW - I am way underpriced. My goal is to get dozens more testimonials to raise the price to properly reflect my value. So here’s my deal - I’ll give you the best price ever on the condition that if I get you a great result, you share it with me and let me share it with others…
This guy thought his lack of results was a weakness. I turned it into a strength.
When you sell from authenticity, you show up most present.
That presence has a more profound impact than any actual words you use.
That’s the presence which moves the market. And the words then flow and land stronger than ever because they come from the heart, not the head.
The education business is a tough one. If you do it just for money, I’d rather you sell stuff on Amazon instead. As I roll into my 17th year in this business - an eternity really - I only made it through because I have such a passion for impact.
I look at my clients and I don’t see who they are, I see the potential of who they could be.
That’s who I speak to when I sell. That’s who I train to when I coach.
It’s allowed me to live in Cannes and dine in Monaco. To speak to 3,000 in Frankfurt and 5,000 in Sao Paulo.
My dream night last night might be different than yours in make and model. But I want you to have it. How you want it. With who you want it. Where you want it. The price you pay is worth it - as long as you get their authentically.
I made my mistakes.
I’ve missed my shots.
I’ve had my regrets.
But I always showed as me.
And that made all the difference.
Thanks, Jason. I needed to be reminded of that today.