I write these from all over. This from the JSX airport. The last two from Chamonix, France. The one before that at an indoor water park in Garden Grove, CA.
Everywhere but home.
Such is the life of a jet-setting, high caliber charismatic gentleman such as myself. Ha.
Actually, I write under these conditions because it’s a commitment I made to myself. Just ship once a week. Hell or high water.
The easiest thing to write about is slice of life - provided you’re doing interesting things. If you are, then just capture and write about them.
Like my drive to the airport.
I get a call from Vance.
I met Vance at Webinarcon in Orlando a few months back. This dude knows my stuff. He learned of me through a referral to my book and then watched all my YouTube and social media content.
Most people don’t get my personal cell but Vance is so enthusiastic about me and such a cool guy, why not?
Vance started sending me money out of the blue not too long ago.
He called it the “ignorance tax” because he said I gave him everything he needed to create a webinar and he still hasn’t done it yet.
So every so often he sends me $100.
The fires are still roaring here in LA so driving to the airport was a nightmare.
I had just got back home Saturday from 21 days in Europe and now I’m leaving on a Monday, gridlocked in traffic. When Vance calls, I get excited and answer.
He tells me he just sent me $3500 because he’s been asking me things here and there and felt he owed it to me for my time (I charge this for an hour of consulting).
As a result…
He gets an impromptu coaching session from me while I’m stuck in traffic.
I couldn’t think of a better way to get to the airport.
I must break - they’re boarding. I’ll finish when I can…
Back. Checked into a freaking penthouse here in Scottsdale. Two fires places. I guess this is how you offset the intensity of travel.
Anyway, the science on what I was saying to Vance - he has a great offer. I’m just trying to have him get it out there. A half decent webinar with a killer offer beats an amazing webinar with only a “good” offer.
Vance’s offer is strong because he basically is giving money away for free.
Money offers are some of the best offers to sell.
That’s where you show someone they can make more than they pay you.
Most money offers - like that ones I make - have a flaw… the skill required by the customer to make money.
In essence, you must learn something and apply it correctly and then you can be in a position to make more money than you paid for the product.
Vance has a different type of money offer - one where you have to do very little to get the money.
It’s not in the business space - it’s in the debt space. Basically, these companies often go about debt wrong and if you know how to sue them…
You can get rid of the debt and actually get paid money.
Vance has a good track record doing this, too.
So I told him his webinar just needs to show beyond a doubt that what he does is legit, give insane amounts of proof and then have a conditional guarantee - “If you do x, y and z and don’t make 5x what you pay me, then I’ll give you triple your money back”.
With killer offers, the goal is get a half decent webinar out and going because the offer will sell. Then use that momentum and interaction with the audience to improve the webinar. But perfect is the enemy of done here.
Damn I gave dude some killer advice on that impromptu, 40ish minute consult as I wove through traffic in a fire-infested LA. Because of who he is and how he is engaging in me and the gratitude he has for me - he’ll probably get more time out of the money he spends with me than just about anyone else.
He takes chances. Sends me money unsolicited. Gives me so much love on social media. Refers everyone to buy my book.
So he gets extra love. It’s my mission to make this guy succeed. He’s so close - he’s just in his own way right now. That’s why I coach.
One thing I see in him that I don’t see in a lot of folks - he’s creative at getting what he wants. That’s a meta skill - you have that and it’s crazy the doors you can unlock.
The marketing can be dialed in. But the ability to go outside the box, to be sincere and grateful and have the right attitude - that’s where the real money is at.
Be the person people are excited by when your name pops up as a call on their phone.
I am jet lagged (again), wore out from the holidays, psyching myself up to get through three intense days of running Driven mastermind (where people pay $30,000 to attend so you can’t fuck around).
The last thing I want to do is unannounced consulting.
P.S. my planned article was a breakdown of my experience with our Milan jeweler that we went and saw last week. I picked up some cool lessons on luxury positioning. That was what I was going to write at the airport. Maybe next week.
Now I have a presentation to write for Driven. But that waits. First, a nice hike in the mountains. Stay moving.