I somehow made millions of dollars looking frumpy, unkept and near homeless.
Like one time when I had an exclusive marketing partnership with the great Ezra Firestone. He had the first every Shopify Approved course and theme on the market… so he brought it to the best to sell it. 😊
We were premiering the offer at a live event in Vegas. There were about 600 people in the crowd, most of them Amazon sellers. Ezra was doing the presentation - teaching design principles and split tests that made for a killer Shopify site.
Then comes the offer. Ezra starts in on it when - out of nowhere - I storm the stage, rage on my face.
“Ezra, what are you doing!” I scream.
He replies that he was told it was ok to make an offer.
I shake my head in disgust as I stare him down and say: “No. No. No. You do NOT get to sell my audience.”
Then I turn from Ezra to the audience and say…
The crowd roared. The first time I ever got applause going into the close. It was time to make some money.
“Stand up if you know you needed your own eCommerce site for more than a half a year”. About half the audience stands.
[Note: the hardest part of selling from stage is getting people to go to the back table. It’s easier when they’re already on their feet.]
“Stay standing if it’s been over a year since you know you need your own site but still haven’t done it yet.”
About a third remain on their feet.
Then the close: “I don’t know about the rest of you. But those of you who are still standing, not having this will cost you way more than the $3,500 we’re offering this for. So go to the back of the room and sign up now.”
And they did.
The first wave of buyers dutifully marched to the order table.
Now I moved onto the second close.
“For the rest of you, we have to determine if it makes sense for you to buy or not. What could get in your way of making a decision?”
Yells of “Money!” could be heard from the crowd. So I waddle my chunky ass over to the flip chart and write MONEY on it. As I do someone about 3 rows deep says: “Jason, I already spent all my money with you.”
The crowd laughs.
I pounce:
“Not true,” I say as I look the man square in the eye. “You bought the plane ticket to be here. You bought the hotel room. So don’t tell me it’s about the money!”
I then turn back to the flip chart and dramatically cross a line through the word MONEY.
“What is really stopping you!?” I asked. The audience says TIME. So I flip the chart to a fresh page and write TIME on it.
“Let’s talk about time.”
Then I do a few time closes. Grab another wave of buyers.
I bring a couple on stage who had recently went to one of Ezra’s events and they gushed about how amazing it was. Picked up more buyers.
I finished it off with the PENTHOUSE CLOSE.
“What I hate most about buying things at events is the delay between spending your money and getting what you paid for,” I say.
“So here’s the deal with this offer - fulfillment starts tonight.”
“We’ve rented a special room at the Venetian and our goal is two things - 1 to celebrate you. The champagne, wine, beer and food is on us. 2 - the training starts tonight. Ezra and I will reveal exactly what you need to do right away to get the most out of this offer.”
“So you must sign up before the private party tonight to get invited.”
We closed the lights out, selling over $300,000 on the spot and helped a lot of people grow their business way beyond Amazon.
Now… why did I used to look like a hot mess? And what changed? The short answer is I got my brain scanned by Dr. Daniel Amen (I’ll publish that story soon) and that helped me go from “Frumpy Jason” to “GQ Smooth Jason”. ;)
But until then, I did what I could. Uncombed hair. Crooked teeth. Cracked glasses. Walmart jeans and Payless shoes.
And a mind like a saber tooth tiger when it came time to pitch.
When you have deficits - rather real or perceived - if you can push past them with technique and ingenuity… you can still accomplish what most consider “impossible”.
P.S. The first REAL nice clothes I ever bought was Tom Ford. I was invited to a small dinner where Jeff Bezos was the keynote speaker. Suit and tie affair. So I went to Rodeo Drive, clueless. I stopped into Tom Ford for only one reason - Jay Z.
I don’t pop molly I rock Tom Ford.
I was gobsmacked just HOW different people treat you when you dress nice. I know it’s probably obvious to you… but it blew my mind. At least this is an easier fix than lack of substance.
I’m still not getting a Lambo though - my knees can’t take it.